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Maria is a trainee art psychotherapist and digital painter with a traditional education in fine art, specialising in illustration. Throughout her formative years Maria was primarily interested in figurative art and portraiture, but over time her practice has developed to be less concerned with realism and technical precision, and focused instead on the expression of emotion and narrative storytelling through a more conceptual perspective. 


Maria works exclusively with Adobe Photoshop striving to capture the feeling of traditional oil painting through the use of textured digital brushes and a limited, but powerful colour palette; her striking compositions are designed to provoke a sense of sublimity whilst the imagery itself remains thoughtful. The focal themes of Maria's ongoing work are connection and loss. 

With a deep interest in the power and expressive capabilities of music as well as visual art, Maria often works cross-modally drawing inspiration from music, and collaborating with local musicians. Maria has recently completed a frame by frame animated film with composer James Morris which tells a short tale of grief. 


Seeing in the Dark, 2024, Fringe Arts Bath Festival, Bath

Glimmers, 2024, New House Art Space, Guildford

MA Art Psychotherapy Showcase, 2024, USW, Newport

Ghosts, 2023,The Screen @ Mission Gallery, Swansea

Life Support, 2023,The Wall @ Mission Gallery, Swansea

Art in Penallt 2023, Humble by Nature, Monmouth

One Price Art Show, 2023, Barnabas Art House, Newport

MA Art Psychotherapy Showcase, 2023, The Riverfront, Newport

Open Exhibition 2022, The Turner House, Penarth

Art in Penallt 2022, Humble by Nature, Monmouth 

PALLET 006, Porter's, Cardiff 

G39 Open Exhibition, G39, Cardiff

I Am Alive, Artsmouth, online

To Be Human, All in the Mind Festival, online

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